March 31, 2023 – Manfred Gebauer noticed multiple improvements in his EDEKA store (Göppingen, DE) after the installation of Dry Misting. Read more about his experience in this (German) interview with Lebensmittel Zeitung:
May 5, 2021 How Dry Misting helped family farm Laurence J Betts to win multiple ‘Grower of the Year’ Awards Following the award to L J Betts for UK Grower of the Year 2015 (and UK Edibles Grower of the Year – Vegetables, Gold award), Stephen Betts commented to Contronics Dry Misting, that his decision
Mehr lesenESM Magazine – March 18, 2023 Dutch retailer Albert Heijn has equipped more than 700 stores with ‚Dry Misting‘ technology from Contronics. Dry Misting creates a fine layer of pure mist in the air around fresh produce on display without soaking the products or the shelves. The evaporation of the mist cools and protects the
Mehr lesenMarch 31, 2023 – This week, Dutch news platform ‘Nieuwe Oogst’ published an article about the positive effects of Dry Misting on the reduction of food waste throughout the entire fresh food supply chain. Read the full article here.
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